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About Us

Welcome to DrainAway, a family-run business dedicated to delivering excellence. We take immense pride in our work, ensuring customer satisfaction by adhering to the highest standards. Our committed engineers prioritize efficiency and professionalism, keeping clients informed throughout the process. Operating 24/7, 365 days a year, we specialize in resolving diverse drainage issues. Whether facing a stubborn blockage or intrusive roots, our skilled engineers employ cutting-edge high-pressure water jetting systems. Following clearance, we offer a complimentary state-of-the-art camera inspection, ensuring a seamless, trouble-free experience for our valued customers.

Internal & External Blockage

Whether it’s an internal or external minor blockage or a complex drainage problem, our DrainAway engineers have the knowledge, determination and unwavering commitment to get the toughest and most stubborn blockages cleared once a blockage has been cleared or engineers will carry out a CCTV inspection and new technology tracer dye to confirm cleared. Trained to use state of the art equipment and tools necessary to tackle the task at hand. Our DrainAway engineers, attention to detail, will ensure that every job is completed to the highest of standard. Our advanced fully equipped van technology enables us to swiftly identify the cause of the blockage and implement the most suitable solution, minimizing disruption and restoring functionality to your drainage/plumbing system. If you are experiencing blocked sinks, toilets, baths, showers, or drains, our DrainAway engineers are ready.

Pre-plan works

Pre-planned services are designed for customers without blockages but facing significant deposits in their drainage system, such as FOG (Fat, Oil, Grease), scale, silt, debris, wipes/rag. Our engineers employ a high-pressure water jetting system with specialized cleaning jets to effectively eliminate deposits. Following the cleaning process, a CCTV inspection is conducted to verify that the line has been restored to its proper working condition.

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Prevention and Pre Planned Drain Maintenance

Prevention is the best cure.
Prevent the occurrence of drainage and plumbing issues by implementing a comprehensive planned preventative maintenance program, thereby ensuring the optimal condition of your property’s infrastructure. The presence of a blocked drain or inadequate drainage can give rise to substantial complications and necessitate time-consuming repairs, in addition to potentially disrupting your business operations. Safeguard against such inconveniences by procuring a customized PPM agreement.

Root cutting services

Tree roots can infiltrate drainage systems through small cracks or joints in pipes seeking moisture and nutrients. As they grow, roots exploit these openings, causing blockages and potential damage to the pipes. Regular inspections and maintenance are essential to address root ingress and prevent associated drainage issues.
DrainAway engineers employ specialized techniques to effectively remove tree roots from the drainage system. Utilizing high-pressure water jetting systems, they dislodge and flush out intrusive roots, restoring optimal flow. In instances of severe root ingress, cutting tools or root-cutting augers may be deployed to mechanically sever and extract roots from the pipes. These methods, coupled with regular maintenance, ensure the long-term integrity and functionality of the drainage system.

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Bad Odour investigation

A DrainAway engineer utilizes state-of-the-art CCTV equipment to visually inspect internal pipes and external drainage systems, pinpointing the source of any odors. Once identified, the engineer takes appropriate precautions to address and eliminate the unpleasant smell.


Underground sewers generate methane and ammonia gases through natural decomposition, causing unpleasant odors.


blockages in a drainage system, leads to foul smells, often signified by slow water drainage, while clogs from food, grease, and hair can foster bacteria growth


Incorrect plumbing fixtures, traps, or vents may accumulate mold or bacteria, contributing to a sewage smell in bathrooms. Regular checks are advisable for timely resolution.

CCTV camera inspection

CCTV drainage inspection holds a vital role in visually checking the inside of the line to confirm the blockage has been cleared and to identify potential issues enabling you to have a correct functioning drainage system.

Pre-homebuyer CCTV inspection

CCTV drainage inspections holds critical role for value in the assessment of a property’s suitability for purchase aiding in identifying issues that may impact negotiations, influencing pricing decisions. withdrawal from the purchase altogether, or simply providing assurance of a well-functioning drainage system

Manhole Cover Replacement Services

We provide comprehensive solutions for the replacement of broken, damaged, or worn manhole covers and inspection covers. Our team of experts conducts a thorough on-site assessment, precisely measuring dimensions for each replacement lid. We assure you of a meticulous procurement process, aligning replacements with your preferred style and material specifications.