Term & Conditions

1, Inclusion of Agreement Terms and Conditions This document serves as the comprehensive repository of all terms and conditions pertaining to our agreement, encompassing the details of the services provided as well as any goods or materials involved. Should you have any inquiries or reservations regarding the provisions outlined , we kindly request that you inform us promptly.
2, Additional Costs and Revised Quotation While we strive to fulfill our commitment by completing the work and delivering the goods and materials within the quoted amount, unforeseen circumstances may necessitate incurring additional costs beyond the initial estimate. In such an event, we shall promptly notify you, provide a clear explanation for the supplementary expenses, and request your consent for an amended quotation that accounts for these unforeseen costs.
3, Payment Terms for Domestic Customers Upon completion of the work, domestic customers will receive an invoice, with immediate payment of the balance due being required. Failure to remit the outstanding amount immediately will incur an administration charge Failure to remit the outstanding amount immediately will incur an administration charge of 15% every 48 hour until full payment has been payed.
4,Payment Terms for Commercial Customers Upon completion of the work, commercial customers will receive an invoice, with payment of the balance due expected within date stated on the invoice Failure to settle the outstanding amount within the timeframe will result in an administration charge of 15% every 48 hour until full payment has been payed .
5, Limitations of Liability for Loss or Damage Unless we are deemed responsible, we shall not be held liable for any loss or damage incurred to your property, including any necessary cleaning, or any other forms of loss. In the event that access to your property is required for repairs, we shall fill any holes and ensure a level surface, but the restoration of the original surface or construction shall remain your responsibility. Any redecoration or repair necessitated by our work shall also be your responsibility, unless our negligence is proven
6, Obligations and Access Requirements Please ensure that you promptly inform us of any hazards or dangers that may pose a risk to our personnel while working on your property. Additionally, it is imperative that clear access is provided to relevant drains and covers, as well as a supply of mains electricity and water. Failure to fulfill these requirements may result in additional charges for any extra work or expenses incurred as a result.
7, The customer is responsible for ensuring safe and adequate parking facilities for the designated work vehicle. Failure to provide suitable parking may result in delays or additional charges, and the customer acknowledges this responsibility as a crucial aspect of facilitating efficient service being conducted.
8, Permissions and Responsibilities for Tenants and Listed Buildings If you are a tenant, it is essential that you obtain your landlord’s permission for us to carry out the work. In the case of listed buildings, you may need to secure planning permission. In both instances, it is your sole responsibility to obtain any necessary permissions for the work to proceed.
9, Guarantee Terms for Parts and Labor We guarantee all parts and labor for a period of 7days from the completion date of the work. However, please note that our guarantee will not apply if faults arise wholly or partially due to misuse or neglect of the goods and materials by you or any other individual, or as a result of fair wear and tear. Examples of misuse and neglect include flushing items such as baby wipes, oils, cotton buds, etc. Furthermore, if any follow-on works are advised after clearing a blockage, the guarantee will be subject to mutual agreement regarding the required remedial works, as communicated by a DrainAway engineer.